Project list with MATCH 8.0 – Mechavolution



MATCH 8.0 – Mechavolution

Arduino Uno: (1 per team)

Motor Shield L293d: (1 per team)

Breadboards: (1 per team)

Servo Motors: (1 per team)

LED Bar Graph: (1 per team)

Infra-Red Sensor: (1 per team)

Lithium Ion Batteries: (1 per team)

Lithium Ion Battery holders: (1 per team)

Chassis: Acrylic sheets: (1 per team)

Ultrasonic Sensor Holder: (1 per team)

Zip Ties: (2 packs)

Glue gun sticks: (40 sticks)

Soldering sponge (1 in total)

Lithium Ion Battery Chargers: (2 in total)

Battery Charger Protection board: (1 per team)

Obstacle Avoiding Robot:

  • Utilize the Arduino Uno, motor shield, servo motor, ultrasonic sensor, and chassis to construct a robot that can identify and circumvent obstacles.
  • Program the Arduino to control motor movement based on sensor readings.

Line Follower Robot:

  • Employ infrared sensors to construct a robot that can follow a black line drawn on a white surface.
  • Program the Arduino to control motor movement in response to sensor input, keeping the robot on track.

Light-Seeking Robot:

  • Use photoresistors to construct a robot that can seek out light sources.
  • Program the Arduino to direct motor movement toward brighter areas, demonstrating phototaxis.

Interactive LED Display:

  • Create a visually engaging display using the LED bar graph, Arduino Uno, and sensors.
  • Program the LEDs to respond to various inputs, such as sound, light, or touch, creating dynamic visual effects.

Distance Measuring Device:

  • Utilize the ultrasonic sensor and Arduino Uno to create a device that can accurately measure distances.
  • Display the measurements on a screen or serial monitor for practical applications.

Remote-Controlled Robot:

  • Combine a Bluetooth or radio module with the Arduino Uno and motor shield to construct a robot that can be controlled remotely.
  • Develop a custom remote control app or use a compatible controller for engaging interaction.

Interactive Music Player:

  • Integrate buttons, sensors, and an Arduino Uno to create a music player with unique interactive features.
  • Allow users to control playback, trigger sound effects, or generate music through sensor-based interactions.

Hand Gesture Controlled Robot:

  • Employ an accelerometer or flex sensors to create a robot that can be controlled by hand gestures.
  • Program the Arduino to interpret sensor data and translate it into corresponding robot movements, enabling intuitive control.

Interactive LED Mood Lamp:

  • Construct a visually appealing and customizable mood lamp using the Arduino Uno, LED bar graph, and sensors.
  • Program the lamp to change colors, brightness levels, or patterns based on user input or environmental factors, creating a personalized ambiance.


  • Thoroughly plan your project and sketch a circuit diagram before assembly.
  • Write clear and concise Arduino code, commenting your code for clarity.
  • Test your project incrementally and troubleshoot any issues as they arise.
  • Don’t hesitate to seek assistance from online resources or communities if needed.
  • Engage your creativity and explore further possibilities with these materials!


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